Lease a Car for People Under Debt Review
The trusted way to get a vehicle for people under debt review is rent to buy from SA Motor Lease. SA Motor Lease offers vehicle leases that are not finance products. If you are under debt review you have certain responsibilities, that need to be discussed with your debt counselor in order to repay your debts. Once you have ascertained what you can afford to spend on a vehicle you can come to SA Motor Lease and get a vehicle with one of our non-finance products.
These products allow you to upgrade, downgrade and terminate your contract at any time without penalties.
As a responsible person under debt review, you have the following options to get a vehicle from SA Motor Lease:
Why Choose SA Motor Lease?
There are many reasons why it’s better to choose SA Motor Lease as the option for getting a car for people under debt review. Here are just a few:
– Your monthly payment includes insurance, tracker, and licensing.
– There is no balloon payment at the end of your contract.
– You can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your current deal at any point.
– Your monthly rental is fixed, and is not affected by your credit score. Because your payment is fixed, you can plan your other expenses accordingly.
– You do not have to carry the risk of depreciation.
– The rent to buy period is shorter than the traditional finance period.
– At the end of your 48-month rent to buy, all we expect from the sale of the vehicle is R100.
The Best Way to Get a Car for People Under Debt Review
With our affordable rent to buy and car lease deals, SA Motor Lease can help you get back on your feet. Click here to see our range of vehicle available. For more information on how you can get a car from SA Motor Lease, you can email or call us on 011 640 5000.
Looking for a shorter-term vehicle solution? Pace Car Rental is the home of affordable monthly car hire in South Africa.